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Swamp Watch: Chelsea Johnson's Campaign Fueled by Outside Special Interests & Green New Deal Agendas

LANCASTER COUNTY, NE  The David Russell campaign has issued a “Swamp Watch” alert, revealing that Chelsea Johnson’s latest Accountability and Disclosure report highlights deep ties to out-of-state PACs and businesses aligned with extreme Green New Deal policies.

Russell’s campaign underscores the risks posed to Lancaster County when major donations from outside interests aim to influence local elections and control policy direction.

Johnson’s report shows heavy contributions from political action committees and energy companies with limited connections to Lancaster County, suggesting outside agendas seeking influence over local governance. Significant donations include:

  • BOLD Alliance (Hastings, NE) - $35,355

  • Ranger Power (Chicago, IL) - $5,000

  • Panama Energy (Juno Beach, FL) - $5,000

  • NextEra Energy (Juno Beach, FL) - $2,500

  • Climate Cabinet PAC (San Francisco, CA) - $2,500

  • Eliot Bostar for Legislature - $25,000

  • Sean Flowerday - $12,500

“Why are these PACs and green energy giants—many from out of state—pumping large sums into a local Lancaster County race where people are already being taxed out of their homes?” asked Russell. “These groups are pushing extreme policies that threaten our utility costs, local jobs, and economic stability. Lancaster County deserves leaders who are committed to our community, not beholden to out-of-state donors with agendas.”

David Russell, the only candidate endorsed by county law enforcement and first responders, has over 25 years of real-world business experience and is firmly opposed to outside influences in local elections. He urges residents to safeguard local values and vote for leaders who prioritize Lancaster County.

On November 5, vote David Russell for a community-first agenda that resists radical outside influences.

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